How to Prepare Your Kids for a Photoshoot: A Stress-Free Guide for Moms


As a mum who’s been on both sides of the camera, I know that the words “kids” and “photoshoot” can sometimes feel like oil and water. But fear not! With a sprinkle of preparation and a dash of creativity, we can turn your family photoshoot into a fun adventure that even the wiggliest little ones will enjoy. Here, I’m sharing some tried-and-true tips to ensure your photo session is filled with genuine smiles and delightful moments.

Set the Stage: It’s All About the Attitude

Kids are incredible mood detectors. If you’re stressed, they’ll pick up on it faster than they find mud puddles on a rainy day. So, let’s start with the right mindset:

  1. Embrace the Imperfect: Perfect poses? Forget about it! The most cherished photos are often the ones where little one is pulling a silly face or baby girl is mid-giggle. These are the real moments that you want to document.
  2. Frame It as an Adventure: Instead of saying, “We’re going to take photos,” try, “We’re going on a special adventure to make memories!” It’s amazing how a simple shift in language can spark excitement.

Choose the Right Wardrobe

Choosing outfits doesn’t have to be a battle. Here’s how to make it fun:

  1. Let Them Have a Say: Give your kids a choice between two or three pre-approved options. They’ll feel involved and more enthusiastic about wearing their “special outfit.”
  2. Keep Them Comfortable: Scratchy tags, tight collars, or shoes that pinch? Recipe for disaster. Opt for soft, familiar fabrics and well-worn favourites where possible.
  3. Dress for Movement: Choose outfits that allow for twirling, jumping, and all the wiggles. Flowy dresses for girls and comfortable layers for boys are great choices.

The Pre-Shoot Prep: Setting Up for Success

A little preparation goes a long way in ensuring a smooth photoshoot experience:

  1. Schedule the shoot when your kids are typically at their best. After nap time and with full tummies often works like a charm.
  2. Fill a small backpack with:
  • Snacks (nothing messy!)
  • Water
  • A favourite small toy or comfort item
  • Wet wipes (because… kids)
  • Have a mini “photoshoot” at home. Use your phone to snap some silly pictures, showing them it’s fun to be in front of the camera.

Prepare Little Ones through Communication

Here’s how to clue your kids in:

  1. A few days before the shoot, start weaving the upcoming “adventure” into bedtime stories. “Once upon a time, there was a family who went on a special quest to capture magical moments…”
  2. If possible, arrange a quick video call with your photographer. This helps kids see them as a friendly face rather than a stranger with a big camera.
  3. Instead of a list of don’ts, focus on the fun: “We’re going to play games, tell jokes, and have fun!”

On the Day: Keep the Energy High

Here’s how to keep those good vibes flowing:

  1. Give everyone time to explore the location and burn off some initial excitement.
  2. If your little one wants to examine every flower in the field, let them! These moments often lead to the most genuine smiles and interactions.
  3. Bring along bubbles or have a tickle fest. Movement and laughter are the secret ingredients to natural, joyful photos.
  4. If things start to feel overwhelming, it’s okay to pause. A quick snack or a few minutes of quiet can reset the mood.

Once the shoot is over, keep the positive associations going:

  1. Have a small treat or fun activity planned for right after the session to keep your kids excited.
  2. In the days following, talk about the fun parts of the photoshoot. “Remember when we played hide and seek behind that big tree?”
  3. When it’s time to choose your favourites, let the kids have a say. They’ll love seeing themselves and feeling part of the process.

At the end of the day, your photoshoot is about documenting the love and connection in your family. By approaching your photoshoot with a sense of adventure and play, you’re not just preparing for great photos; you’re creating memories that will last long after the camera clicks.

Let’s chat about creating a stress-free, joy-filled experience for you and your little ones!


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